
Triumph of Death II: Apocalypse!

Created by Thomas Foss

Triumph of Death II: 28mm renaissance skeleton army miniatures cast in white metal for gamers and collectors, by Skull & Crown.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Update!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 03, 2020 at 02:02:46 AM

Ahoy Backers!

Holiday break has been a whirl wind of sorting, stacking, and bagging here at Skull and Crown central. Here's a quick update:

Stretch Goal sets:  

We've got 175 full Stretch Goal sets sorted and bagged. We would have hit the full 240 needed, but we ran out of mounted Generals, and there was a casting glitch with the Martyr. From the looks of it, one of the crown points of one of the casts broke in the mold early during the casting process and was missed. I go through all the miniatures when they come in and check them for quality, and had to reject over 40 of them. Fear naught, more are already ordered ( and I'll send these back to be melted down for other casts.

Yay- Stretch goal sets!

 Also- ran out of bags... On Christmas day... should have seen that one coming. Had to wait till a couple of days after to get more.  

These are the kind of "making the sausage" things that happen in an endeavour such as these, and I think  it's important to share the journey. 

Generals of the Apocylpse (aka the 4 horsemen) 

I've also got all the 4 Horsemen sets ready to go!  There are about a half dozen of you that have sent me notes on swapping Death for a Mounted General- we've (fingers crossed) got them all on file, but will go through again when we start filling orders in a couple of weeks.  A big part of getting ready for shipping is making sure we have all the right stock, and enough of it, AND it's well labelled- because Wisdom is the knowledge that I have made that mistake before :) 

Over 200 sets ready to go!

  Painted Stuff! 

I've gotten a chance to paint up some of the Stretch Goal minis over break- Check them out! (remember I don't get to keep these... I get "mine" after you guys get yours).

Putti with fish!
Martyr with fish (in red)
Martyr with Fish (in White). I did this one first then wanted to see more contrast.
Mounted General
Example of Mounted General variant. He comes with a sprue with mace, lance, sword, and shield.

Surveys Deadline

Thanks and that's all for now- Almost. There are still almost 20 of you out there that have not filled in your surveys.  If you need help or are having trouble, please message me. I don't know how many minis to ordere if you don't fill in your surveys, and I'm not going to hold everyone elses rewards up- so please get them in! 

Cheers and again, Happy New Year! 


Cannons and Castings and Surveys - Oh My!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 08:29:36 PM

 Ahoy Backers! 

This weekend over 50lbs of castings came to Skull and Crown central, consisting of 95 cannon and crew sets, and 80 sets of the Generals of the Apocalypse - aka The 4 Horsemen.  Looks like this...

100 cannon and crew sorted!
Horsemen Casts- 80 sets of them!


Just to give you some rough numbers you all have picked out so far... 

  • 1,700 Pikemen
  • 600 Crossbows
  • 95 Cannons
  • 225 Stretch Goals rewards sets - including the Mounted General 
  • 70 Generals of the Apocalypse sets
  • 680 Hand Gunners 

  ...and that's just page 1 of 3!  

 Survey Stuff - reminder reminder - reminder!  

Yeah... so... on BackerKit there is a button to remind folks about doing their surveys... and I pushed it, and nothing seemed to happen. So I pushed it again... and maybe again. Apparently, it did send you guys reminders - like lots of them! Sorry about that (visualize my cringey smiley face of embarrasment.)  That being said, there are still about 25 of you out there that have not completed your surveys (hint hint).  At this point I have locked down everyone who has pledged so I can get some accurate counts on what we need casting-wise.  If you are having trouble with the survey, or did not get one but think you should, please message me here on Kickstarter or email me at [email protected] with the header "need survey help".


Surveys Surveys Surveys! (and some casting pics)
over 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 12:40:06 AM

Ahoy Dread Backers!  

 Survey Stuff

82% of you fine folks have already filled in your backer pledges- and another 10% of you have "mostly" filled your in- but are missing some information on adresses.  I really appreciate the time it takes, and know that it can be a bit of a hassle, but it is an important step in getting goodies :)    The survey officially closes on the 15th and I have sent out email reminders to everyone, so check your inboxes! 

I also wanted to thank everyone who have reached out with questions or comments so far- I'm trying to keep up with them all; they currently can be in 5 different locations depending on how you reached out, so if I've missed a message from you and have not replyed, ping me again, please! 

Casting Stuff

Fun fact, so far you all have requested  95 cannon and crew, 103 sets of the 4 horsemen, and 150 units of pike (that's 1,500 pike minis!!!) along with oodles of other troops.  I have already packed up all the current units and command sets that I have here (over 250 packs) and have all those canon and horsemen- 55lbs worth of castings showing up this weekend- with the pike and other stuff to follow. Here's some pictures that our caster, Steve of Firing Line miniatures sent me a couple of days ago.  Note you can see a bunch of the stretch goal casts and the hand gunners (which are now all done) in the group pic!  I've paid to have Firing line make extra production molds to help move the process along faster and to insure quality in the castings. 

master casts- Stretch goals, hand gunners and some other stuff!
a rare view of the casting room

Shipping Timeline Stuff 

We are still on track to start shipping out orders in January! (Yay!)  That being said, realistically, and based upon sheer numbers on the casting side, not all packages will go out in January. (boo!)  One of the amazing factors here is all the extra stuff you guys picked up in the add ons- it's wonderful but really adds up.  On all of our ends the goal is to get your skellies to you as soon as we can, and at the quality level you have come to expect from Skull and Crown. 

That's all for now- again- any questions or comments, fire away! 



Surveys have been sent!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 12:50:59 AM

Ahoy Dread Lords and Ladies of Death (in fantastic 28mm).

Just a quick update that Survey's have been sent- although if you are reading this you probably also see said survey in your inbox :) 

Thanks again for being patient while we gave backerkit a shakedown cruise. It's a great system, but there are lots of t's to cross and I's to dot!  Fingers crossed we got all of them, but if you run into an issue, please to let me know. 

More Pretty stuff 

Behold- a procession of death- with the new Acolyte carrying book, two of the new Candle reliquary bearers, and some more figures from the "classic" range. 

Again, thanks, and tag- you're it (to fill out your surveys)

Variations on a theme- how will you paint yours?

Surveys Away!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 01:15:41 AM

Ahoy Esteemed Backers! 

Backerkit has given us the two thumbs up on all of the survey and add ons store, and we have sent out the "smoke test" to the first 5% of backers,(it picked who randomly)- and 1% of you have already replied- woot!  We are going to let it soak for a day or two to make sure everything is working,  and then send out Surveys to everyone! Yay! 

I'll send out a quick announcment when I launch all surveys- but in the mean time if you are one of the happy 5% please try to get your surveys in, and if you run  into any challenges or complications or have questions, Please message me. 

Production News 

As I type, the first production molds are being made, of the 4 horsemen and cavalry units.  The final sculpts of the green masters have also been sent to Firing line miniatures (our mold master) for master molding.  It's great to be ahead of schedule on this, and important, as sometimes, once a piece is cast in metal, it doesn't work exactly the way you want or isn't fitting correctly, or just plain isn't casting up well.  A good example are the pike lads.  we had a bit of an issue with their open hands not casting well or hard to put a weapon in. Drew re- mastered the pieces and we had them re molded. There is a cost to this, but quality is what we all want in the end, and that's what we are gona get! 

Painted Stuff! 

This weekend I put together and painted up a gun and crew. I keep wanting to say skeleton gun and crew, but that makes it sound like the cannon would be made of bone. Hrm...  The assembly is very easy, the castings clean and the skellys- well, see for yourself! 

The gun is painted historically, with a red carriage and black painted iron fittings
This is what your opponent will see :)

That's all for now- thanks again and talk with you soonly!

